Why Do We Suffer?

Have you ever wondered why we suffer?

2 Timothy 3:12 says, “Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life will suffer persecution.”

This is not a popular verse, but one that puts perspective on life. Let us fret not in suffering because there are some advantages hidden deep within our persecution. Before we dive into the advantages of suffering, let’s take a look at Jesus’ persecutions:

  • King Herod tried to kill him as a child(Matthew 2:7)
  • The Devil tempted him for forty days and forty nights in the wilderness(Matthew 4)
  • People in his hometown rejected him(Mark 6)
  • His cousin John was beheaded(Matthew 14)
  • He was betrayed by a close friend(Mark 14)
  • He was killed for a people He loved but didn’t love Him back(Mark 14)

Keep in mind this list is incomplete. Jesus endured much more suffering. When it comes to our present-day suffering, it seems minuet compared to what Jesus went through.

Now, let’s look at some of the benefits of our trials and tribulations.


1 Peter 4:14 says, “If you are insulted because you bear the name of Christ, you will be blessed, for the glorious spirit of God rest upon you.”

It may seem difficult to find a blessing in our suffering, but it’s there and I guarantee it will help someone else. If you suffered through a health scare, financial hardship, failed relationship or rebellious child, the blessing is in the lesson. Meaning, all of these hardships put you on your knees drawing closer to God. Matter of fact, sometimes the only way God gets our attention is when He knocks us on our knees.

Anytime we get closer to the Almighty, blessings are sure to flow. Blessings in the form of wisdom and knowledge. You can now explain to someone how God brought you through a tough situation and how He will do the same for them.


James 1:3 says, “For you know that when faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.”

Another benefit of suffering is our faith growing. If you never go through anything your faith deteriorates. Think back how much you have grown since the last persecution you experienced. For example, when that person at work insults your character, that situation once resulted in harsh words being spewed. But now your endurance has grown, and you simply reply, “I’m going to pray for you.” That’s called growth!


Deuteronomy 8:2 says, “Remember how the Lord your God led you through the wilderness for forty years, humbling you and testing you…to find out whether or not you would obey his commands.”

Sometimes God presents suffering in our lives to make us obey his words. True Story. The reason I don’t use profanity is God presented suffering when I did. At a very early age I noticed every-time I used profanity, something bad would happen. The last straw was in middle school when I cursed a classmate and then got caught stealing French fries in the cafeteria. Seems trivial, but it was enough to change my behavior. I challenge everyone to look at your life and behaviors to see if your suffering is due to disobedience.


Whenever suffering presents itself in life, take the opportunity to get closer to God. He cares deeply about you and will turn negatives into positives.

Ram Dass said, “Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise.”


Lord, we thank You for being a good God. We understand that we will suffer because you suffered. But you turned suffering into the ultimate victory. Lord, continue to bless us, help us grow and teach us obedience. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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