What are you asking God for?

God calls you and ask “What do you want? Ask and I will give it you.”

 What are you asking for?

 I’m confident most will say money, money or probably money.

The Story

Does this scenario sound familiar? It should. It happened in 2 Chronicles 1:7. God asked Solomon, “What do you want.” The answer Soloman gave God still baffles my mind today. Out of everything Soloman could have asked for, he asked for wisdom and knowledge to lead God’s people properly. Wow!

 On the surface this answer may seem insignificant. But when you peel back the surface, it’s layered with goodness. First off, Soloman’s drive to be great is something we should appreciate in today’s culture. He understood the gift of leadership the Lord had blessed him with and how it could change lives. We should also be asking the Almighty to give us wisdom and knowledge to enhance our God given gifts to uplift His Kingdom. God loves when we use what he has blessed us with to help others.

It doesn’t matter if your gift is cutting grass, cutting hair, or cutting up chicken. If you are using it to help others, God loves it. If you want proof, go on any social media platform, and find videos of someone helping others with their gift and look at the interactions they receive. God didn’t bless us with gifts to keep for ourselves. He gave us gifts to share with the world.


A key aspect of this story overlooked is what Soloman did before God asked him “What do you want?”. 2 Chronicles 6 says Soloman got in the Lord’s presence and offered sacrifices. The more time we spend in his presence, the more we understand His will for our lives. When you open your eyes to a new day, open your bible or click on your bible app and dive into His presence. Notice I didn’t mention getting on social media, checking emails or playing toon blast first. Show God that you are seeking him first. I’m sure you are aware but Matthew 6:33 says “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all things will be added unto you.”

Be Humble

Soloman asking for Wisdom and knowledge was also an act of humility. Solomon understood that he wasn’t equipped to handle the task at hand. When God put us in situations outside of our comfort zone we should do as Soloman and ask God for guidance. If that dream is placed at your fingertip, or you accept a position you feel you’re under qualified for, it’s no better time to ask the Almighty for wisdom and knowledge.


So Soloman asked for wisdom and knowledge and God gave him that and much more. God told him since you didn’t ask for riches, fame or wealth, I’m going to give you riches, fame and wealth. Let that sink in. When we ask God for something with a humble, selfless spirit, he will give what you ask for and more. I’ve learned when I’m in the storms of life, ask the Almighty for wisdom and knowledge with a sincere heart and expect much more!

Prayer To God

Lord, bless everyone reading this message. Give them the desires of their heart. And we will be careful to give you all the honor and all the praise. Amen.

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