Benefits of Spiritual Vision Statement

Vision Statements

According to, a vision statement is formal declaration detailing your business long term goals and objectives. A few examples of well-known company’s vision statement:

  • Chick-fil-A -To Glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us.
  • Walt Disney- To be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.
  • Target- Guided commitments to great value, the community, diversity and the environment.

As company vision statements are important for long term goals, setting a spiritual vision statement is important for our lives. Spiritual vision statements should be posted to remind us of the mission. Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Let’s discuss the benefits of spiritual vision statements.

Life’s Roadmap

Your vision is essential in determining how to navigate life roads. Genesis 12:2 talked about Abraham’s vision statement. God told him “You will be a blessing to others.” His vision took him from his native country to the Promised Land. That being said, like traveling today, your destination is rarely without twist and turns, construction and traffic jams. Abraham endured traveling through foreign lands, giving his wife to Pharoah and rescuing his nephew captured in war. With all these trials and tribulations, Abraham reached the promised land and received the blessing God promised. Abraham’s journey is a lesson for us today. Our vision will take us through foreign territory enroute to the Promised Land. When you arrive, be prepared to receive your blessing!


When your vision is established, it motivates you on days you feel like giving up. “If I’ve helped somebody as I traveled along, then my living was not in vain,” is my vision statement that motivates me to keep affecting lives in a positive manner. Paul also illustrated doing God’s work and not giving up because of opposition and adversity. He was put in prison, shipwrecked, beat with rods and faced death many times. Throughout these trials and tribulations, he was still motivated to tell everyone about the goodness of God. Our mental fortitude must be stronger than outside pandemonium.


When you have a spiritual vision, God will provide clarity in difficult circumstances. Peter exemplifies clarity being told to eat animals he considered unclean. God told him don’t call something unclean that He has deemed clean (Acts10). In today’s world, this would be hate or discrimination towards a particular group of people. Jesus gave us clarity by dying a criminal’s death for us sinners. He did this for us as an example of how we should love all our brothers and sisters no matter who they are. Remember, we can hate one’s action while praying to God for clarity on how to love the person.


It’s imperative that we start treating our lives like Fortune 500 companies with spiritual vision statements. Our vision provides life’s roadmap, motivation and clarity that will make us a successful enterprise.


Lord, Thank You for being a great CEO of our lives. We know that with You as the head a great future lies ahead. As you continue to guide and direct us, we will be careful to give You all the honor and all the praise. Amen.

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