What is Inner Peace?

What does inner peace mean to you? If you have inner peace, will you live a life free of trials and tribulations? With inner peace will your mind be at capacity with positive thoughts with no room for negativity?

Well before we get into what I think about Inner Peace, let’s see what Jesus says about it. Obviously, that’s what matters most! In John 14:27(NLT) Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” Now let’s dive into this verse. The first order of operation is to give “Thanks” for this gift. Next, just because the gift of peace is available does not mean we have accepted it. If you haven’t accepted the gift, fret not, ask and it shall be given. These are Jesus words not mine. Jesus also mentioned the world cannot give you this gift. Simply put, the peace the world tries to offer is a temporary counterfeit. You may feel settled at the moment, but it won’t last long. The last statement Jesus said is “Don’t be troubled or afraid.” Now Jesus, this will be tough living in the world we live in. We will come back to this!

Jesus also spoke about peace in John 16:33(NLT). He said, “I have told you all this so you will have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

Well, I guess that answers that answers the question about living a life free of trials and tribulations. Don’t get discouraged because the last sentence in this verse is liquid gold, “take heart, because I have overcome the world.” Thank You Lord! This statement means Jesus is not surprised nor worried about anything negative that happens because he can turn it around for our good. If we check our inventory (previous post), we can see that he does it constantly.

Outside of wisdom, peace is one the greatest gift we can receive from God. From a personal standpoint, I can truly say I have inner peace which means God is in control in every area of my life. That doesn’t mean “Mr. Worry” doesn’t come knocking at my door. I just choose to not let him in!

Lord, first off, we just want to say Thank You! If you are reading this message, we have so much to be thankful for. Lord, give us peace that the world can’t comprehend. We look better than what we’ve been through. That’s all because of your Grace and Mercy. Lord, give us a mind that understands you are bigger than any problem we may encounter. In your son Jesus name, Amen!

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