3 Things You Missed in the Easter Story

Most are Familiar with Jesus’ Resurrection aka Easter. I’m going to point out some things in the story that you may have missed.

We will be discussing the story in the gospel of John, Chapter 20.

Let’s start out by discussing Mary Magdelene. The story says that Mary went to the tomb before sunlight seeking Jesus. This is the first act that you may have missed. Seeking Jesus before sunlight will set the course for your day. Whatever you need for the day let him know and it will be added to you.

The story then goes on to talk about Peter and the other disciple. After Mary went and told them someone had taken Jesus body, they both ran to the tomb. After the disciples arrived, they looked around and left. Guess who didn’t leave, Mary. She was still seeking Jesus and guess what, she found him. Jesus said seek and you shall find. Great Lesson.

Jesus then appears to the disciples that were meeting behind locked doors. After breathing on them and giving them the Holy Spirit he spoke about Forgiving sins. This is interesting because Jesus had just been crucified and he is now talking about Forgiveness. Most would have been looking for revenge. Scripture says never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God.

The last thing you may have missed is “Doubting” Thomas. When Jesus met with the disciples after his resurrection, Thomas was absent. The disciples told Thomas about their interaction with Jesus, and he stated he wouldn’t believe until he placed his hands into the wounds in Jesus’ side. The disciples were meeting again, and Jesus showed up while Thomas was present. Jesus told him to place his hands in his side and don’t be faithless any longer. He then told Thomas “You believe because you have seen me, Blessed are those who believe me without seeing me.” My brothers and sisters we are Blessed because we have believed without seeing him. Hallelujah!


Lord, we believe you rose early Sunday morning with all power in your hands. The same hands they pierced now holds the world. Lord we will continue to spread the gospel in hopes that more will believe. We give you all the honor and all the glory. Amen.

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